DIMENSIONS - Print media/ TV and radio: still eminent?


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DIMENSIONS Science and Technology
UpClose: An interview with Ray Bradbury

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könnten dich interessieren
1UpClose: An interview with Ray Bradbury 2Genre: Short Story 3Approaches: A society study 4Genetic Engineering - A Blessing Or A Curse? 5Challenge Of The Week 6Social media: criticism and media literacy 7Print media/ TV and radio: still eminent? 8Short Overview: TV and radio 9The not so distant future? 10DIMENSIONS- a project of inventions.-publishing
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We want you!

Exclusive Company in Search of Part-Time Investigative Journalist

DIMENSIONS” and “inventions.-publishing” are constantly looking for new talents all over the world. Our company stands for quality, innovation, topicality and reliability. We want to inform, entertain and educate our readership in every single piece we publish. To put this into practise, we need a competent team of all-round, committed and independent talents. In an effort to find such people we are starting a contest: Everyone who is interested can send us a report or a comment. In this spirit: Try it and hit or miss!


Do you want to compete against other applicants but forgot how to write a report or a comment? No problem: You will not have to bend over backwards to impress us. Just follow these tips and get down to business.

How to write a report?

Definition: a report presents events and factual information in an objective manner.

  1. Prepare your information carefully (concentrate on facts and stay objective!).

  2. Use formal language.

  3. Remember to use quotes as well!

How to write a comment?

Definition: a comment is a statement of facts or an opinion. It is a remark that expresses a personal angle or attitude.

  1. Introduction (raising a question; giving a case study etc.)

  2. Definition, applications (areas, developments etc.)

  3. Advantages and disadvantages.

  4. Future prospects/ consequences. (What can be expected?)

  5. Personal opinion.


We would be pleased to receive lots of reports and comments dealing with whatever you can think of! Do not spurn your chance of happiness!


DIMENSIONS”- a project of “inventions.-publishing”

DIMENSIONS Science and Technology Print media/ TV and radio: still eminent?
DIMENSIONS Science and Technology Print media/ TV and radio: still eminent?

Back In The Days



Science and Technology

With all the changes in our society during the last couple of decades, we have changed the way we ‘’get’’ our information: No longer are we listening to the radio all day long, watch the weekly news at the cinema or read a printed newspaper. Nowadays, the information is directly sent to us via mobile, smart watch or Iplant. It has become very simple for everyone to get information about pretty much anything happening in the world even immediately after it happened.  Although this has helped to bring the world closer together, it has led to the disappearance of “older” forms of news such as printed media as well. Looking back on the past, the question arises as to what kind of "news medium” we used back in the days. On one hand, there were the broadsheets, such as "The Guardian" or "The Financial Times". These were papers that focused on the interests of their readers, mostly financially secure middle-class, and were seen as “traditional news reporting’’.  The main articles were about issues concerning the government, economy or politics and were written in a formal style, thus making them appear more professional. Furthermore, a broadsheet would be subdivided into short paragraphs and kept short but as precise as possible to make it easier for the reader to follow the content. On the other hand, you would have a tabloid such as "Bild" or "The Daily Mail". These took certain fragments of stories and focused on the most scandalous, violent or criminal aspects and had a lower level of truth than broadsheets. The sources of an article could be very creative or, more precisely, simply invented. They would focus on "informing" about well-known personalities, stars as well as politicians to reach more readers. The striking difference between these two lay in the layout: Whilst the broadsheet was kept short, subdivided into paragraphs and had a formal style, the tabloid used the layout to catch the interest of the readers. Although a tabloid would also be kept short, it was written rather colloquial.

These two types of newspapers were the main sources of information in the past, and with all the technology making our life as easy as possible we should not forget how we used to live or otherwise never acknowledge how far we have come.  

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